Annie Kurz

Integration Counseling and Coaching


With twenty years of business management and consulting experience, Annie Kurz works with organizations, individuals, couples, and parents to understand their challenges, identify their goals, and define steps to achieve successful and rewarding outcomes.



  • Private Eastside Counseling Center

  • King County Mental Health Agency

  • Crisis Intervention

  • Mediation Training


  • Advertising and Marketing Facilitation

  • Certified Interpersonal Edge Skills Coaching

  • Executive Consulting

  • Marketing and Systems Management

  • Logistics Management

  • Purchasing and Negotiation


  • Antioch University Seattle - Career Development and Counseling. Core curriculum in the Master of Arts, Psychology program

  • Communication skills and career development workshops

  • Parenting Courses - Parenting a Thinking Child and Positive Discipline


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Integration begins when we invite all aspects of what we fear and what we prize to realize both our personal and professional power.


Antioch University Seattle Logo

Master of Arts, Psychology: Mental Health Counseling

Antioch University Seattle, 2006

Clinically focused, multi-culturally oriented and CACREP certified

Seattle University Logo

Master of Business Administration

Seattle University: Albers School of Business, 1993

Michigan State University Logo

Bachelor of Arts: Materials and Logistics Management

Michigan State University, 1984

Unique program focusing on purchasing, negotiation, just-in-time inventory management, transportation and distribution


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